to talk about the Voice.
Host a conversation for
In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard. We leave base camp and start our trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.
Uluru Statement from the Heart, May 2017
By voting YES in the upcoming referendum, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will finally have a say on the policies and laws that affect their communities.
But voting ‘yes’ isn’t enough. We need to unite to ensure it’s a resounding YES from every corner of the country.
Together, Yes invites people from all walks of life to gather in small group discussions and engage in an honest reckoning of the harm and injustice of our colonial past; Australia’s history of constitutional indifference; and how a Voice to parliament can make a difference.
What is together, yes?
Together, Yes is a kitchen conversations movement in support of a YES vote in the 2023 referendum on a First Nations Voice to parliament. It’s a powerful way you can participate in the upcoming referendum to enshrine an Indigenous Voice in our constitution.

Our Aim
- Help achieve a strong YES vote for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament;
- Enable people across the nation to participate in Kitchen Table Conversations built on respect, safety, listening and learning; and
- Act as a counter and unifying force against wilful confusion, negativity and racism.

Our values
Together, Yes uses ‘kitchen table conversations’, a model designed by the Victorian Women’s Trust more than twenty years ago. Tried and tested, it arose from a powerfully simple idea: engaging people in respectful and honest dialogue creates real and lasting change.
This civic engagement model is built on a set of important values. People are encouraged to:
- 1
Help create a safe place for thinking, talking and taking action
- 2
Acknowledge the experience and wisdom each person brings to the table
- 3
Enter discussions in good faith with an open, constructive spirit
- 4
Engage in respectful discussion, even in the face of dissent
- 5
Be prepared to listen, gain new insight, and test one’s own opinions
Become a conversation host
Conversation Hosts (or Co-Hosts) are the pivotal part of the Together, Yes campaign.
- Conversation Hosts gather up to 10 people – friends, family, workmates, neighbours and social networks
- Host two powerful conversations (3-4 weeks apart)
- Listen and learn together
We’ll support you all the way, with practical advice and materials to help guide the discussion.
Following these two sessions, all group participants will be encouraged to carry out as many individual conversations as possible within their own networks up until polling day.
The more people who step into the role of Conversation Host, the greater the civic participation across our community, and the larger the social movement.
Hear from our Together Yes hosts.
Latest updates
View more- Oct 5 2023
Update 17
We've taken out full page ads in support of the Voice!
Read more - Oct 5 2023
Update 16
We've released 'Need to Know' a list of key facts and follow-ups to help you keep a positive conversation going.
Read more - Sep 14 2023
Update 15
Panel discussion captured at the ‘Women For Yes’ campaign launch, centred on women's ways of doing activism.
Read more - Aug 24 2023
Update 14
Ian Hamm sat down with the team to share his thoughts on referendum, the question posed to all Australians, and his methods for tuning out disinformation.
Read more

This campaign has been created by the Victorian Women’s Trust to enable many thousands of Australians from all walks of life to play a positive role in securing a YES vote in the 2023 referendum on the Voice to parliament.